Uzbekistan Conceptual Greater Regional Connectivity

Uzbekistan Conceptual & Contextual Greater Regional Connectivity: 

The great contribution of the Uzbek ancestors to the development of world civilization and conceptual & contextual greater regional connectivity is well known to the whole world today. Uzbeks are great scientists, philosophers, socio-politico thinkers, religious leaders, military commanders and people’s friendly rulers too. They influenced the world by their genuinely inbuilt qualities of knowledge, wisdom, observation, good governance last but not least people’s friendly administration.

Thus they pioneered conceptual and contextual greater regional connectivity in the world through splendid and innovative endeavors since long.

The Republic of Uzbekistan has been an ideal center for conceptual and contextual greater regional connectivity for centuries. In the ancient times, it remained a connecting hub for human wisdom, humanity, scientific discipline, research, knowledge, diversity, religious harmony, hospitality, multiculturalism, commerce, compassions and creativity.

In this connection, the Uzbek medical scientists pursued conceptual and contextual greater connectivity through their superior scientific knowledge and remained beacon of hope for the struggling people living around the globe.

Moreover, its renowned astrologists discovered unlimited galaxies of stars and pioneered this complex and complicated branch of modern science. Thus, they tremendously contributed in the conceptual and contextual greater connectivity of Uzbekistan which successfully surpassed every geographical hurdle and landed in the unlimited space sphere.

The Uzbek’s reputable mathematicians invented new disciplines of geometry, arithmetic and logarithm and many more etc. and championed its conceptual and contextual greater regional connectivity through the mathematical discourse of differentiation. Thus pursued journey of precision, perfectness, prosperity and progress and remained crisscrossing point of East and West.

In this context, Muhammad Al-Khorazmi (780-863) the greatest mathematician of ancient time, the founder of Algebra, the pioneer of algorithm and decimal system of numeration. On the basis of Al-Khorazmi’s algorithm a new science appeared cybernetics, and it is impossible to develop other sciences without the cybernetics.

Moreover, Akhmad Al-Farghoni (798-861) was the famous astronomer, mathematician and geographer. His works “The Principles of Astronomy” brought him fame throughout the world. He drew up a world map where he showed the continents and water basins and indicated azimuths. Now the map is being preserved in the state library of Genoa in Italy.

Al-Farghoni proved by exact facts that the Earth has the form of a globe. In Cordoba (Spain), he organized a scientific center and laid the foundation for the University. He was known in the East by the name Alfraganus. The 1200th anniversary of his birthday was celebrated in 1998, under the auspices of UNESCO.

The Uzbek numerous divine personalities practiced a new and innovative conceptual and contextual greater regional connectivity through preaching of love, humanity, service, sacrifice, submission, struggle, simplicity, self-dignity, patience, and virtue and conquered the hearts and souls of unlimited people living around the globe. Their journey of religious connectivity spread from Central Asia to South Asia, Indo-Pacific, Middle East and MENA and beyond.

In this regard, Imam Al-Bukhari (810-870) the well-known scientist in the Islamic religion and theologian further developed the conceptual and contextual greater regional connectivity through religious harmony and global peace. His famous work is “Al-Jome as Sakhikh” is reckoned the second holy book after the Koran in the Muslim world.

Imam Abu Mansur Al-Moturidi (870-944) the great thinker of the Muslim world, the founder of Islamic theology and the Maturidiya school of Sunni doctrine.

On the other hand, Abu Reikhan Muhammad ibn Akhmad Al-Beruni (973-1048-1051) was a medieval scientist having encyclopedic knowledge. He was well known for his fundamental and other researches in sphere of geology, geography, geodesy, astronomy, astrology, mathematics, mineralogy, medicine, pharmacology, natural sciences, history, philosophy and philology.

Interestingly, he put forward the hypothesis that the Earth had the form of a globe and predicted the existence of another continent in the eastern hemisphere or the present American continent four centuries before Columbus had discovered it.

Abu Ali ibn Sino (980-1037) was known in the West by the name Avicenna. He was philosopher and doctor. The translation of his grandiose work “Canon of Medicine” into Latin language was the best book in Medicine at that time. For six centuries it served as the best manual and guide book for doctors of all European countries.

Burkhoniddin Al-Marghinoni (1187-1197) was the great philologist and one of the founders of the Islamic Law, Jurisprudence, Sheykh ul-Islam (the head of the Islamic clergy) and poet. He created the great work, “Khidoya” (“The True Way”), which consists of 57 books. For eight century the book was considered as the most respected and perfect resource of Jurisprudence. His classic work was not only translated into many European languages, but also there appeared many comments and explanations on it, which bear witness to the universal legacy of Marghiloni.

Uzbekistan has been blessed with larger than life personalities in terms of courage, determination, bravery, military might, war tactics and last but not least,  martial innovations and started a conceptual and contextual greater regional connectivity through fighting against all odds and tyrannies and conquered even “Three Continent” during the regime of “Taimur the Great”. On the other hand, Babur conquered Sub-Continent and laid down one the biggest empire.

Under the visionary leadership of H.E. Shavkat Mirziyoyev the Republic of Uzbekistan has been rated as the real “custodian” and “guarantor” of the “realization” of long awaited dreams of greater regional connectivity in which greater socio-economic integration, energy and food cooperation, FDIs, joint ventures, optimal participation of private sector and last but not the least, integrated system of transportation, logistics and seaports. Thus Uzbek president Mirziyoyev initiated very holistic and comprehensive conceptual and contextual greater regional connectivity in the modern era.

The Uzbek president Mirziyoyev initiated conceptual and contextual greater regional connectivity by focusing to develop mutually beneficial strategic ties among all the regional countries in various fields, especially in transportation and logistics, energy, trade, production and investment. Thus the head of the state coined the new, innovative, holistic and integrated conceptual and contextual greater regional connectivity between the Central Asia and South Asia regions.

For achieving the conceptual and contextual greater regional connectivity the Uzbek president adopted holistic “mantra” and “evoked” common history and values, urged closer “partnerships” because without tighter relationships and economic connectivity, Central Asia cannot be connected with the world, and the Eurasian continent, into a stable and prosperous space.”

While addressing the international conference “Central Asia and South Asia: regional interconnectedness: Challenges and opportunities, President of Uzbekistan H.E. Shavkat Mirziyoyev pinpointed “ten initiatives” to achieve conceptual and contextual greater regional connectivity which has been termed as “Ten Commandments of the Modern World”.

It is indeed a “Strategic Road Map” to foster trade and commerce activities, joint ventures, mutual investments, new jobs and eradication of poverty.

It is a modern “Transportation Network Modeling and Calibration” to create modern, efficient and safe transport and logistics infrastructure in Central Asia and South Asia.

It is a “Blue Print” of socio-economic prosperity, massive industrialization, persuasion of green energies, sincere efforts of de-carbonization, formation of economic and logistic corridors, paradigm shift in trade tariffs, integrative mechanism of preferential and free trade.

It is “Bible of Economic Diplomacy” which eschews conspiracies, conflicts and contradictions and promotes spirits of cooperation, coordination and collaboration among the main stakeholder in the region.

It is a “Das Kapital” for modern era in which rights are protected through development orientations, regulatory bodies and investments are made to bring comforts in the lives of common people.

It is a new “Magna Carta” for the 21 century in which equity of finances creates equitable business propositions and sustainable partnerships for all the regional countries.

It is a comprehensive outline of digital transformation, techniques of survives and thrives in an era of mass extinction.

It is a new version of “Neo-Malthusian Theory” which argues that food security and sustainable development are intrinsically linked. It formulates a holistic approach by involving all main regional as well as global stakeholders to devise a joint development research to institutionalize usage and utility of advanced technologies and of course implementation of industrial cooperation.

It is a “Grand Green Book” of simulation of green development in Central Asia and South Asia which has now instrumental to human survival, productive channels, booming trade and commerce and maintenance of appropriate balance between “Divine and Development”.

It is a new “Blue Book” of tourism to promote “Sustainable Tourism Supply Chain Management System (STSCMS) between both the regions. It is a journey towards beautification of collective cultures, traditions, brands and products. It is vivid reflection of new adventures, adjoining strategies and holy policies to promote tourism in the new age of “virology” in the age of dawn of science and technology.

It is a new “Quantum Theory” of scientific discipline and development to expand scientific, cultural and humanitarian exchanges. It is also a new “Trust Receipt” of mutual trust, friendship, peace, stability and harmony in the entire region. It is new “Rethinking” of youth, nurturing, education and value of human capital among the regional countries.

Uzbekistan President

It is a new “Newtonian Spirits” to promote science, technology and innovations between Central Asia and South Asia. It is of course depiction of human survival through scientific means, induction of modern and smarter technologies to accelerate spells of development in the region.

He like a “Maestro” of applied economics the Uzbek head of the state suggested creating “simulative” and “supportive” mechanism and conditions to foster development of economic ties and mutual investments between Central Asia and South Asia.

Pakistan-Uzbekistan Conceptual & Contextual Greater Regional Connectivity: 

  1. Early signing of FTA is must for further strengthening of bilateral relations in diverse sectors of economy, investments, trade & commerce, joint ventures, banking & finance, civil aviation, culture, tourism and education cooperation between two countries. In this regard, serious negotiations are under process.
  2. Implementation of PTA on non-traditional trade items may further increase volumes of trade between two countries. Marbles, ceramic tiles, dry fruits, saffron and dairy products should also be included in the PTA.
  3. Further diversification of scope, utility and outreach of Pak-Uzbek bilateral relations is the need of hour. Uzbekistan has great prospects and potential for the growth of tourism and culture cooperation. There are over 7,000 sites of historical, architectural and archeological importance in Uzbekistan. Of these, 545 are architectural, 575 historical, 1,457 are related to art, and 5,500 are related to archeology. 209 of them are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Thus mutual cooperation in tourism should be further increased through meaningful measures.
  4. Easy and smooth issuance of visa should be mantra of both the countries. Inclusion of Pakistan into free entry status would be value addition to enhance tourism between two sides. Tourism agency arrangements would be an innovative idea to increase joint cooperation in tourism.
  5. Further systemized operationalization and channelization of mutual banking & finance cooperation may achieve wonders between two countries. It will provide essential financial stimulation for the development of SMEs, Micro-Financing, Islamic Banking and last but not least Insurance Companies between two countries.
  6. Formation of joint production units in textiles, garments and fashion industry may be an innovative idea which may further increase economic potential of both the countries.
  7. Automobile industry is another potential area of strategic cooperation because now Pakistan’s domestic automobile industry has also developed enough to assemble and locally produced all kinds of cars and SUVs which may be clubbed with Uzbek partners.
  8. Formation of Reciprocal Trade Houses (RTHs) in Karachi and Tashkent would be mutually beneficial.
  9. Streamlining of trade through TIR, Cluster & integrated transport system, and commercial cargos and Gwadar & Karachi ports would further enhance trade between two countries.
  10. Joint production of cement may be another area of potential cooperation because of immense infrastructural development in both the countries.
  11. Chemical industry including fertilizers and petro-chemical industrial cooperation would be a value addition.
  12. Batter trade of vegetables and spices would be a win-win proposition for both the countries.
  13. Trade in respective national currencies would further open-up prospects of greater connectivity.


To conclude, rapidly changing socio-economic orientations, geopolitical conditionality and last but not geo-political compulsions there is an urgent need to start new journey towards greater regional cooperation, coordination, collaboration and connectivity in which President of Uzbekistan H.E. Shavkat Mirziyoyev ten initiatives would be acted as “ten commandments” of modern world.

Fortunately, now Uzbekistan and Pakistan are moving towards a “Sustainable Strategic Partnership (SSP)” which will definitely further enhance regional connectivity.

By announcing ten initiatives President of Uzbekistan H.E. Shavkat Mirziyoyev “unlocked” the potential of ever-more closely interlinked production networks and value chains for achieving greater regional connectivity. This kind of connectivity should not be considered sector by sector, but rather as part of an “integrated” whole, encompassing the development of “corridors of prosperity” through networks of trade, transport, ICT, energy, people, and technology alike.

Moreover, Mirziyoyev delivered a keynote speech in the most recently concluded China-Central Asia Summit and suggested numerous workable solutions to further enhance regional peace, stability, harmony and connectivity which should also be considered as a strategic road map to get connected CPEC with all the Central Asian Region in the days to come.

This Article is written by Dr Mehmood Ul Hassan Khan

Executive Director: The Center for South Asia & International Studies (CSAIS) Islamabad

Regional Expert: Uzbekistan & CIS

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