Updates on the 48th Session of the OIC:
Pakistan has hosted the 48th session of OIC in Islamabad. It is not the first time that Pakistan has hosted the session. Pakistan has a proud history of hosting OIC Summits, Councils, CFM’s sessions, and the Extraordinary Sessions on different occasions. Pakistan is the founding member of OIC. These events highlight Pakistan’s strong commitment to the purpose and principles of OIC, and to foster the unity and solidarity of Muslim countries, and have always played a significant role in addressing the challenges of the Muslim world.
The foreign ministers of the Muslim countries have shown their presence in the meeting, senior representatives of the United Nations and other international bodies, including the Arab League and the Gulf Cooperation Council, have also participated in the meeting.
And the foreign minister of China was also part of the session and the video message of the secretary-general of the United Nations Antonio Guterres was also shown. The theme of the 48th session was ‘Building Partnerships for Unity, Justice, and Development.
Many topics were under consideration in the 48th session of the OIC. The OIC Council of Foreign Ministers had discussed the violation of human rights in Palestine and Illegal Indian Occupied Kashmir.
The Session had also discussed several political files, most notably the developments in Afghanistan and her humanitarian consequences for the Afghan people.
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Several African issues were also under discussion, including the situation in the Republic of Mali, the Sahel region, and Lake Chad, the fragility of that region, and the situation in Central Africa and the Republic of Guinea. The problems of the Arab world were, also discussed including Yemen, Libya, the Republic of Sudan and Somalia, Syria, and other regions.
The session had also discussed the cooperation issues with United Nations, European Union, and the Russian Federation. The session had also thrown light on social, cultural, economic, humanitarian, and scientific issues including Islam phobia.
(48th Session of the OIC) Organization of Islamic Cooperation!
Read more: https://www.oic-oci.org/topic/?t_id=32921&t_ref=21680&lan=en
In the 48th session of OIC Pakistan was handed over the chairmanship of OIC. Foreign Minister of Pakistan Shah Mehmood Qureshi has also met with foreign ministers on the sidelines of the OIC meeting to discuss bilateral cooperation.