International Olympic Committee

International Olympic Committee

International Olympic Committee:

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) (French: Committee international Olympique, CIO) is an international non-governmental organization based in Lausanne, Switzerland, created by Pierre, Baron de Coubertin, on 23 June 1894 with Demetrios Vikelas as its first president.

  • Members: Today its membership consists of 105 active members and 32 honorary members. The IOC organizes the modern Olympic Games and Youth Olympic Games, held in Summer and Winter, every four years. The first Summer Olympics organized by the International Olympic Committee were held in Athens, Greece, in 1896; the first Winter Olympics were in Chamonix, France, in 1924. Until 1992,
  • Origin: the committee was housed at the Monrepos palace in Ludwigsburg, Germany until the building of the headquarters in Lausanne in 1968
  • Meetings: The International Olympic Committee session is the general meeting of the members of the IOC, held once a year in which each member has one vote. It is the IOC’s supreme organ and its decisions are final. Extraordinary Sessions may be convened by the President or upon the written request of at least one-third of the members.
  • Among others, the powers of the Session are: To adopt or amend the Olympic Charter. To elect the members of the IOC, the Honorary President, and the honorary members. To elect the President, the Vice-Presidents and all other members of the IOC Executive Board. To elect the host city of the Olympic Games.

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  • In the early 1980s, the Olympics were on the verge of bankruptcy when the IOC drafted a team to help market the event and the organizationIn 1998, one of the members of that team, Michael Payne, became the first marketing director of the IOC.[ During his 20 years with the IOC,Payne created a multi-billion dollar marketing program for the organization which turned the Games around financially.
  • International Olympic Sports Federations (IFs) The International Olympic Committee is now the largest single revenue source for the majority of IFs, with its contributions of Olympic broadcast revenue that assist the IFs in the development of their respective sports worldwide.

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  • The IOC provides financial support from Olympic broadcast revenue to the 28 IFs of Olympic summer sports and the seven IFs of Olympic winter sports after the completion of the Olympic Games and the Olympic Winter Games, respectively.
  • The continually increasing value of the Olympic broadcast partnership has enabled the IOC to deliver substantially increased financial support to the IFs with each successive Games.

Reported by Ms. Aimen Jamil, a student of International Relations at the National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad. She is a Deputy Director at the Youth Diplomacy Forum. She is interested in Global Politics, diplomacy, and International Institutions. 


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