Amnesty International


Amnesty International: 

Amnesty International was founded in 1961 by Peter Benenson, He was a British lawyer. The aim of his is to obtain an amnesty for prisoners all over the world through this organization After the success of the amnesty they start working to find justice and peace in every part of the world. Amnesty International works to protect human rights worldwide. Its vision is one of a world in which every person regardless of race, religion, gender, or ethnicity enjoys all of the human rights and other international human rights standards.


Since its foundation in 1966 the United States section, made up of over 350,000 members, of the organization “Amnesty International” has worked to free, oppose Torture, and fight other human rights violations around the world. It seeks to promote human rights in the United States through lobbying and education and describes itself as working for full human rights for everyone.


Amnesty International is a world-embracing movement working for the protection of human rights. It is independent of all governments and is neutral in its relation to political groups, ideologies, and religious dividing lines. The movement works for the release of women and men who have been arrested for their convictions, the color of their skin, their ethnic origin, or their faith provided that they have not themselves used force or exhorted others to resort to violence. It is this category of prisoners that Amnesty International calls “prisoners of conscience”. The movement proclaimed 1977 “Prisoners of Conscience Year” and collected signatures for an appeal addressed to the General Assembly of the United Nations.

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Way too Success:

To begin with, Amnesty International was a British organization, but in 1963 an international secretariat was established. And awarded the Nobel peace prize and became chairman of the organization in 1963, at a time when Amnesty International was rapidly expanding. Ten years after its foundation the organization comprised more than 1000 voluntary groups in 28 countries and the figures are steadily rising. In February this year 1977, there were 1874 groups in 33 countries. The present chairman of Amnesty International is the Swede Thomas.

Currently campaigns:

The organization is currently active in campaigns to stop violence against women as part of an international campaign to see full human rights for everyone. My Body, My Rights! is a global campaign for the right to make decisions about a person’s own “health, body, sexual life, and identity without fear of coercion or criminalization. Seek and receive information about sexuality and reproduction and access to related health services. Decide whether and when to have children, and how many to have. Choose your intimate partner and whether and when to marry.

Amnesty International

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Amnesty International primarily targets governments but also reports on non-governmental bodies and private individuals, and non-state actors. There are six key areas in which Amnesty deals with Women’s Children, minorities, and indigenous rights, and the main focus is on the implementation of human dignity, rights of prisoners of conscience, Abolition of the death penalty, and Rights of Refugees.

Reported by Ms. Fatima Badar Lasani, a student of International Relations at the National University of Modern languages, Islamabad. she is also a member of the Youth Diplomacy Forum.

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