More than 200 defense companies from 26 countries are participating in the Azerbaijan International Defense Exhibition, also known as ADEX, which is currently being held in Baku. The fourth edition of the event opened on Tuesday. President Ilham Aliyev toured the exhibition where cutting-edge weapons and equipment are being showcased. Baku Reveals New Domestic weapons at ADEX Defence Exhibition.
Addressing participants, President Aliyev described the exhibition as an important platform to develop military-technical cooperation and explore opportunities for expanding business relations between various countries. He noted that Baku is closely cooperating with leading companies from more than 50 countries that operate in aviation, navigation, device manufacturing, and other sectors.
Baku ADEX Exhibition:
The ADEX Exhibition provides an opportunity for the Azerbaijani military-industrial complex and global defense companies to showcase their modern military equipment and weaponry. The exhibitors represent the leading defense industry companies from Bulgaria, China, France, Netherlands, Italy, Belarus, Iran, Israel, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Russia, Türkiye, and other countries. Companies from Jordan also joined the event as first-time exhibitors.
The exhibition demonstrates defense industry products from multiple sectors, including aircraft and aviation systems; ships, vessels, and naval systems; armed combat vehicles; radio-electronic systems; optoelectronic equipment and systems; unmanned vehicles; military uniform clothing and equipment; weapons and ammunition; simulators and training systems; chemical, biological and radiation (CBR) protection items, as well as military organizations, export promotion companies, and others.
Defense Ministry of the Republic of Azerbaijan:
The Defense Industry Ministry of Azerbaijan put on display various weapons and devices of local production, including 12.7 mm heavy machine gun and “Yırtıcı” (Predator) semi-automatic sniper rifle, 30-mm AT30 automatic cannon, “flying” mortar drone, remote weapon stabilization system, defensive complex, four new reconnaissance and strike drones, as well as GFAB-250 LG aircraft bomb, which was developed jointly with the Turkish leading defense manufacturer ASELSAN.
The all-new machine gun is designed to destroy manpower and light enemy fortifications at a distance of 2,000 to 3,000 meters, while the 7.62×54-mm sniper rifle is capable of hitting targets at least one kilometer away. The 30-mm AT-30 automatic cannon is designed to hit lightly armored enemy targets and anti-tank missile systems located at distances up to 1500 meters, manpower and armored vehicles from long distances, as well as air targets flying at a speed less than the speed of sound up to 2000 meters in the sky and fire weapons deployed behind light shelters.
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Meanwhile, the 250-kilogram high-explosive fragmentation bomb GFAB-250 LG can destroy military equipment, structures, military industry and energy facilities, vehicles, aircraft at airfields, warehouses, bridges, manpower, and other targets thanks to its top-notch accurate guidance system.
Azerbaijan’s Defense Industry Minister Madat Guliyev said intensive local production did not limit Azerbaijan’s interest in cutting-edge weapons offered by overseas companies as well as new vectors of cooperation with foreign partners. Guliyev revealed that the Azerbaijani army would soon add all-new Turkish and Israeli-made weapons to its arsenal, adding that defense cooperation opportunities offer a lot of potential for Baku.
Importex Industries:
A mine detecting robot made in Azerbaijan is being displayed at ADEX-2022 in the interim by the Improtex Industries Company, which is situated in Azerbaijan. The robot can carry payloads weighing up to 500 kg and evacuate injured soldiers in addition to neutralizing anti-personnel and anti-tank mines. The national minesweeper Revival-P1, which will be utilized in the liberated regions of Azerbaijan, was previously unveiled by Improtex Industries.
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has viewed the 4th Azerbaijan International Defense Exhibition “ADEX” and the 13th International Exhibition for Internal Security, Safety and Rescue Equipment “Securex Caspian” at the Baku Expo Centre. Minister of Defense Zakir Hasanov, Minister of Defense Industry Madat Guliyev, and Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Turkiye Yasar Guler informed the head of state of the exhibitions.
ADEX Defense Exhibition:
It was stated that participants of the “ADEX” defense exhibition included leading defense sector companies from Turkiye, Russia, Iran, Bulgaria, China, France, Italy, the Netherlands, and other countries. Companies from Jordan are also participating in the exhibition for the first time. A total of eight countries are participating in this year’s show with their own national stands. Many countries have enlarged the areas of their national expositions.
Lastly, The Youth Diplomacy Forum’s Country Representative from the Republic of Azerbaijan Ms. Elnura Jafarzada Participated in the 4th ADEX and XIII International Internal Security, protection and rescue “Securex Caspian” exhibitions held at Baku Expo Center. President of the Republic of Azerbaijan HE Ilham Aliyev participated along with the Minister of Defense Zakir Hasanov, Minister of Defense Industry Madat Guliyev, and Chief of General Staff of the Republic of Turkey Yasar Guler.