Journalism; an opportunity or responsibility


This article is written by Sheryar Ahmed, a student of International Relations at the National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad. he is interested in politics, Int’l relations, diplomacy, and International law. 

Journalism Exposed: 

Journalism is a wide term, simply representing and conveying all the significant information to the empty brains of common people who are kept deprived of information they should know. It is necessary to mention the role of media in creating a perception of people inside a country or in the international arena at a global level.

We have heard enough of the Media acting as a watchdog on the policies of the government. All important and significant workload of perception building is the responsibility of journalists.

The latest controversy is the leaked audio of Maryam Nawaz and Parvez Rashid where they were discussing panelists on a program of the news channel.

Most of them were targeted for challenging the policies of the Muslim League Nawaz. Journalists of the program were called barking dogs by the Parvez Rashid. This portrays how intolerant, the politicians are in hearing the journalists.

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More heartbreaking was to listen about the giveaways of gifts to two media personals that Nawaz Sharif brought for his favorite journalists.

Talal Chaudhary spent no time in defending his party pleading his case by saying that giving gifts is not against the state of Pakistan but spending money on journalists to mold their opinion in your favor and awarding favorite journalists is surely against the freedom of speech.

Freedom of Expression: 

We have gathered a lot of knowledge about freedom of expression when PMLN questioned the freedom of speech in the contemporary PTI regime.

Every government wants to mold opinions of media in their favor compromising the same freedom of speech, they chanted for in opposition. We can say media is and will be influenced by the present government in the future as well.

It is not only about the incident listed above but also about the overall representation of how journalism works in Pakistan. One who cannot tolerate catharsis about his acts is neither a leader nor preacher of freedom of speech.

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The media should be independent and out of control of the present government. Gone are the days when we have only one media channel and no social media.

Journalism, responsibility or opportunity: 

Journalism is a responsibility not an opportunity for exploitation. This signature line should be understood by journalists as well. Journalists should be unbiased and make statements that they think are true without any pressure.

Between the intricate line of truth and falsity, Journalists should try their level best to find the hidden truth and to share it with the public with full responsibility.

A hard task: 

Journalism is a hard task and it is not everyone’s cup of tea. Brave persons who want to share truth with the common public and can take a stand are the need of the hour. Journalists should try to do justice with their prestigious profession, a duty to aware people of the truth, do distinguish between right and wrong, and all-important building of perception.

This opinion article is written by a student of International Relations, the views are the personal views of the author. these are not views of the youth diplomacy forum.






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