What Went Wrong?
In the 75th year of independence, we are still finding the road to prosperity. The country is in search of keys to success; lost with Quaid’s death in 1948. Still, there are people who are leading miserable life. Still, the opulent ones are leading the show in Pakistan. Still, common people can find calmness only in the grave.
We are still not competent enough to take a stand in the international arena. Still, dangers of economic turmoil surround us. Still, we are in search of true democracy and change as well.
No lesson is learned from the tragic event of 16 December 1971: when we were cut into pieces by our very own selves and by our arch-rivals to some extent. Our other half’s per capita income is higher than ours and our neighbor India as well. Nothing has changed; those who are in power are still usurping the legitimate rights of common people.
As was in 1971, authorities are unconscious about the outcome of these happenings.
Read More: https://youthdiplomacyforum.com/2022/11/13/trnc-turkish-republic-of-northern-cyprus-the-way-forward/
Democracy is the will of people getting prevail. In a phrase of Abraham Lincoln, “Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, and for the people”. The pre-mentioned definition of democracy is deficient in Pakistan. Sorry to say that there is no true democracy in our beloved homeland. Only those should have an authority who are elected by the honorable people of our country.
Preferring personal interests over national interests is an issue that causes a lot of harm to our homeland. When it comes to personal interest; everyone tries to accomplish his personal interest bringing national interest to the 2nd priority. Politicians, Judiciary, bureaucrats everyone is busy causing harm to our country by preferring personal interest over national interest. National interest should be given the foremost place in order to succeed.
There are two sections of people in Pakistan. People are getting rich day by day and a major portion of the country is getting below the poverty line. There is a different line between both the segments; divided by things having utmost priority in Pakistan and the difference of “money”. You can impose your will or do whatever you like with money in hand. There is a distinction between poor and rich in our filthy system.
Education, a matter of life and death for a nation is neglected most of the time in our country. There are efforts to improve education in Pakistan while major hurdles include lack of critical discourse, lack of technical training, minimized practical education, and disrupting the merit system with power. Government ignorance is also a hindrance in way of educating Pakistan.
Since its inception, we are having discussions on the curriculum of students of Pakistan. There are students of Madrassah who are in search of light of Quran, students of moderate private institutions in search of money to support family and on the third level, we have our ruling elite’s children doing A/O levels from elite institutions. Imran Khan’s single national curriculum was pleasing to ears but not up to the expectations.
There are curbs on the pillar of information “Media”. Everything the common people are seeing is controlled and influenced. Political instability is spoiling the show. Judiciary is unable to bring criminals to the task. Influential and wealthy people can take the law into their hands where the common people are the only victim of the brutality of the law.
Read More: https://www.census.gov/newsroom/stories/pakistan-independence-day.html
There is also a divide between the people of Pakistan about Jinnah’s vision about the future of Pakistan. Both segments of Pakistani society associate Jinnah with their ideology and have ample evidence for that move. But being a Muslim majority country and Islam is the most followed and prevailed religion and sole atomic power, there is an increased need of working to get the country at the top in the global order.
National interests should always be preferred above personal interests. The main culprit which is a system in Pakistan should be brought to the task. The need of the hour is to formulate a system in which each and everyone have equal rights. A system where a common man can compete with influential people in the courtroom. A system where there is no lopsided distribution of resources.
This article is written by Sheryar Ahmed, a student of International Relations at the National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad. He is interested in Politics, diplomacy, and International Affairs. He is also a member of the youth diplomacy forum and volunteer head.