This article is written by Aimen Jamil, student of National University of Modern Languages. She is interested in foreign affairs, global and regional politics.
Interim Government of Afghanistan
The interim government of Afghanistan is headed by Mohammad Hasan Akhund who has served as the foreign minister and deputy prime minister in the first regime of Taliban 1996-2001. Abdul Ghani Baradar is the executive number two. The names which have been announced for the top positions are lot of hardliners, a lot of familiar faces and names and are under the UN sanction list. The cabinet announced by Zabiullah Mujahid is an incomplete cabinet.
The government did not include any woman, no figures from the former government or any member from the ethnic and tribal group. When questioned why there is no inclusion of other stakeholders in the government, they wiped it under the carpet by simply saying there are yet many ministries to be announced. On Friday Taliban replaced women ministry with the ministry of virtue and vice.
The senior Taliban leader earlier this week announced that no woman will be allowed in the government ministries with men these acts by Taliban are witnessing the revival of their first hostile regime.
- Millions of lives depend on how Taliban chooses to govern
The entire world emphasized that the Taliban will be judged by their actions, not by their words. The world is learning the new and unchanged nature of the Taliban with every passing day. Restrictions on the women continued, committing possible war crimes and there is the continuation of the violation of the human rights.
The economy of the country is at its brink and the pandemic continues to spread. The humanitarian crisis cannot wait for the political decision to occur otherwise the situation will get worse. The Taliban should create an environment where people can live without fear., women should be included in the government for the peace and stable region the role and opinions of the women should be brought to light, they should engage with the talent of the region without any discrimination for the prosperous Afghanistan.
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Taliban should fulfill the promises they made to Afghan people and the international community the situation of the region is unpredictable. With every passing day they are showing their new faces, which forced some brave women and men to come to streets and ask for their rights but Taliban are showing negative attitude by beating the reporters for covering the scenes of protest and have limited the access of internet.
- Taliban welcomes aid
The irresponsible withdrawal of US left the Afghan people in a great catastrophe but the world is worried about the humanitarian crisis many people are living under the poverty line. On Tuesday the Taliban applauded the international community for sending hundreds of millions of humanitarian aid.
To ensure that this aid will reach to those who truly are in need of this aid. Taliban also urged the world to unfreeze Afghanistan’s assets so they can use their own resources to run the unstable economy of the country. UN Secretary General, Antonio Gutterres said we have to engage with the Taliban because we cannot provide humanitarian assistance to the Afghan people without engaging with the Taliban.
- Struggle for recognition
Taliban are the new reality which can’t be ignored so we have to deal with them. They are ensuring the world again and again that their soil will not be used against any other country. And after ensuring there will be an inclusive government. Now the international community will only believe in their actions.
Interim government of Afghanistan has made it difficult for the world to recognize them because all the top leaders are in the UN sanction list. They need the international support for making the stable and peaceful region for which they are trying to develop relations with the west and the regional countries.
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The regional countries are showing a little soft attitude towards the hardliners. The international commercial flights have been resumed by the Kabul airport which is the positive step by the Taliban showing cooperation to the world seems to be a businesslike approach. Pakistan sent 17 trucks of humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan on Sunday.
Every action of the Taliban is being scrutinized by the world so they have to deal the situation with great care. The new government was announced only two weeks back so we cannot expect the immediate results for which we have adopted the policy of ‘wait and watch’. The west culture cannot be imposed in their local cultures. cultures take years to evolve. They have said that people will be given their rights in the light of their own culture, for which no positive result have been witnessed till now. They should make every possible effort to ensure the basic human rights. To gain legitimacy they should work under the rules and regulations of the UN.